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searx.utils Namespace Reference


class  _HTMLTextExtractor
class  _HTMLTextExtractorException
class  _NotSetClass


str searx_useragent ()
str gen_useragent (Optional[str] os_string=None)
str html_to_text (str html_str)
str markdown_to_text (str markdown_str)
Optional[str] extract_text (xpath_results, bool allow_none=False)
str normalize_url (str url, str base_url)
str extract_url (xpath_results, base_url)
Dict dict_subset (MutableMapping dictionary, Set[str] properties)
 humanize_bytes (size, precision=2)
 humanize_number (size, precision=0)
int convert_str_to_int (str number_str)
 extr (str txt, str begin, str end, str default="")
int int_or_zero (Union[List[str], str] num)
Optional[Tuple[bool, str, str]] is_valid_lang (lang)
types.ModuleType load_module (str filename, str module_dir)
str to_string (Any obj)
str ecma_unescape (str string)
Callable[[str], str] get_string_replaces_function (Dict[str, str] replaces)
Dict get_engine_from_settings (str name)
XPath get_xpath (XPathSpecType xpath_spec)
 eval_xpath (ElementBase element, XPathSpecType xpath_spec)
 eval_xpath_list (ElementBase element, XPathSpecType xpath_spec, Optional[int] min_len=None)
 eval_xpath_getindex (ElementBase elements, XPathSpecType xpath_spec, int index, default=_NOTSET)
"fasttext.FastText._FastText" _get_fasttext_model ()
 get_embeded_stream_url (url)
Optional[str] detect_language (str text, float threshold=0.3, bool only_search_languages=False)
 js_variable_to_python (js_variable)


 logger = logger.getChild('utils')
 XPathSpecType = Union[str, XPath]
tuple _BLOCKED_TAGS = ('script', 'style')
 _ECMA_UNESCAPE4_RE = re.compile(r'%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})', re.UNICODE)
 _ECMA_UNESCAPE2_RE = re.compile(r'%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})', re.UNICODE)
 _JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE = re.compile(r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)')
 _JS_VOID_RE = re.compile(r'void\s+[0-9]+|void\s*\‍([0-9]+\‍)')
 _JS_DECIMAL_RE = re.compile(r":\s*\.")
dict _XPATH_CACHE = {}
dict _LANG_TO_LC_CACHE = {}
Optional _FASTTEXT_MODEL = None
 SEARCH_LANGUAGE_CODES = frozenset([searxng_locale[0].split('-')[0] for searxng_locale in sxng_locales])
 _NOTSET = _NotSetClass()

Detailed Description

Utility functions for the engines

Function Documentation

◆ _get_fasttext_model()

"fasttext.FastText._FastText" searx.utils._get_fasttext_model ( )

Definition at line 607 of file utils.py.

607def _get_fasttext_model() -> "fasttext.FastText._FastText": # type: ignore
608 global _FASTTEXT_MODEL # pylint: disable=global-statement
609 if _FASTTEXT_MODEL is None:
610 import fasttext # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
612 # Monkey patch: prevent fasttext from showing a (useless) warning when loading a model.
613 fasttext.FastText.eprint = lambda x: None
614 _FASTTEXT_MODEL = fasttext.load_model(str(data_dir / 'lid.176.ftz'))
615 return _FASTTEXT_MODEL

Referenced by searx.utils.detect_language().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_str_to_int()

int searx.utils.convert_str_to_int ( str number_str)
Convert number_str to int or 0 if number_str is not a number.

Definition at line 349 of file utils.py.

349def convert_str_to_int(number_str: str) -> int:
350 """Convert number_str to int or 0 if number_str is not a number."""
351 if number_str.isdigit():
352 return int(number_str)
353 return 0

Referenced by searx.utils.int_or_zero().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ detect_language()

Optional[str] searx.utils.detect_language ( str text,
float threshold = 0.3,
bool only_search_languages = False )
Detect the language of the ``text`` parameter.

:param str text: The string whose language is to be detected.

:param float threshold: Threshold filters the returned labels by a threshold
    on probability.  A choice of 0.3 will return labels with at least 0.3

:param bool only_search_languages: If ``True``, returns only supported
    SearXNG search languages.  see :py:obj:`searx.languages`

:rtype: str, None
    The detected language code or ``None``. See below.

:raises ValueError: If ``text`` is not a string.

The language detection is done by using `a fork`_ of the fastText_ library
(`python fasttext`_). fastText_ distributes the `language identification
model`_, for reference:

- `FastText.zip: Compressing text classification models`_
- `Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification`_

The `language identification model`_ support the language codes

    af als am an ar arz as ast av az azb ba bar bcl be bg bh bn bo bpy br bs
    bxr ca cbk ce ceb ckb co cs cv cy da de diq dsb dty dv el eml en eo es
    et eu fa fi fr frr fy ga gd gl gn gom gu gv he hi hif hr hsb ht hu hy ia
    id ie ilo io is it ja jbo jv ka kk km kn ko krc ku kv kw ky la lb lez li
    lmo lo lrc lt lv mai mg mhr min mk ml mn mr mrj ms mt mwl my myv mzn nah
    nap nds ne new nl nn no oc or os pa pam pfl pl pms pnb ps pt qu rm ro ru
    rue sa sah sc scn sco sd sh si sk sl so sq sr su sv sw ta te tg th tk tl
    tr tt tyv ug uk ur uz vec vep vi vls vo wa war wuu xal xmf yi yo yue zh

By using ``only_search_languages=True`` the `language identification model`_
is harmonized with the SearXNG's language (locale) model.  General
conditions of SearXNG's locale model are:

a. SearXNG's locale of a query is passed to the
   :py:obj:`searx.locales.get_engine_locale` to get a language and/or region
   code that is used by an engine.

b. Most of SearXNG's engines do not support all the languages from `language
   identification model`_ and there is also a discrepancy in the ISO-639-3
   (fasttext) and ISO-639-2 (SearXNG)handling.  Further more, in SearXNG the
   locales like ``zh-TH`` (``zh-CN``) are mapped to ``zh_Hant``
   (``zh_Hans``) while the `language identification model`_ reduce both to

.. _a fork: https://github.com/searxng/fasttext-predict
.. _fastText: https://fasttext.cc/
.. _python fasttext: https://pypi.org/project/fasttext/
.. _language identification model: https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html
.. _Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01759
.. _`FastText.zip: Compressing text classification models`: https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.03651

Definition at line 664 of file utils.py.

664def detect_language(text: str, threshold: float = 0.3, only_search_languages: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
665 """Detect the language of the ``text`` parameter.
667 :param str text: The string whose language is to be detected.
669 :param float threshold: Threshold filters the returned labels by a threshold
670 on probability. A choice of 0.3 will return labels with at least 0.3
671 probability.
673 :param bool only_search_languages: If ``True``, returns only supported
674 SearXNG search languages. see :py:obj:`searx.languages`
676 :rtype: str, None
677 :returns:
678 The detected language code or ``None``. See below.
680 :raises ValueError: If ``text`` is not a string.
682 The language detection is done by using `a fork`_ of the fastText_ library
683 (`python fasttext`_). fastText_ distributes the `language identification
684 model`_, for reference:
686 - `FastText.zip: Compressing text classification models`_
687 - `Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification`_
689 The `language identification model`_ support the language codes
690 (ISO-639-3)::
692 af als am an ar arz as ast av az azb ba bar bcl be bg bh bn bo bpy br bs
693 bxr ca cbk ce ceb ckb co cs cv cy da de diq dsb dty dv el eml en eo es
694 et eu fa fi fr frr fy ga gd gl gn gom gu gv he hi hif hr hsb ht hu hy ia
695 id ie ilo io is it ja jbo jv ka kk km kn ko krc ku kv kw ky la lb lez li
696 lmo lo lrc lt lv mai mg mhr min mk ml mn mr mrj ms mt mwl my myv mzn nah
697 nap nds ne new nl nn no oc or os pa pam pfl pl pms pnb ps pt qu rm ro ru
698 rue sa sah sc scn sco sd sh si sk sl so sq sr su sv sw ta te tg th tk tl
699 tr tt tyv ug uk ur uz vec vep vi vls vo wa war wuu xal xmf yi yo yue zh
701 By using ``only_search_languages=True`` the `language identification model`_
702 is harmonized with the SearXNG's language (locale) model. General
703 conditions of SearXNG's locale model are:
705 a. SearXNG's locale of a query is passed to the
706 :py:obj:`searx.locales.get_engine_locale` to get a language and/or region
707 code that is used by an engine.
709 b. Most of SearXNG's engines do not support all the languages from `language
710 identification model`_ and there is also a discrepancy in the ISO-639-3
711 (fasttext) and ISO-639-2 (SearXNG)handling. Further more, in SearXNG the
712 locales like ``zh-TH`` (``zh-CN``) are mapped to ``zh_Hant``
713 (``zh_Hans``) while the `language identification model`_ reduce both to
714 ``zh``.
716 .. _a fork: https://github.com/searxng/fasttext-predict
717 .. _fastText: https://fasttext.cc/
718 .. _python fasttext: https://pypi.org/project/fasttext/
719 .. _language identification model: https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html
720 .. _Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01759
721 .. _`FastText.zip: Compressing text classification models`: https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.03651
723 """
724 if not isinstance(text, str):
725 raise ValueError('text must a str')
726 r = _get_fasttext_model().predict(text.replace('\n', ' '), k=1, threshold=threshold)
727 if isinstance(r, tuple) and len(r) == 2 and len(r[0]) > 0 and len(r[1]) > 0:
728 language = r[0][0].split('__label__')[1]
729 if only_search_languages and language not in SEARCH_LANGUAGE_CODES:
730 return None
731 return language
732 return None

References searx.utils._get_fasttext_model().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dict_subset()

Dict searx.utils.dict_subset ( MutableMapping dictionary,
Set[str] properties )
Extract a subset of a dict

    >>> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'C'])
    {'A': 'a', 'C': 'c'}
    >>> >> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'D'])
    {'A': 'a'}

Definition at line 313 of file utils.py.

313def dict_subset(dictionary: MutableMapping, properties: Set[str]) -> Dict:
314 """Extract a subset of a dict
316 Examples:
317 >>> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'C'])
318 {'A': 'a', 'C': 'c'}
319 >>> >> dict_subset({'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c'}, ['A', 'D'])
320 {'A': 'a'}
321 """
322 return {k: dictionary[k] for k in properties if k in dictionary}

◆ ecma_unescape()

str searx.utils.ecma_unescape ( str string)
Python implementation of the unescape javascript function


    >>> ecma_unescape('%u5409')
    >>> ecma_unescape('%20')
    ' '
    >>> ecma_unescape('%F3')

Definition at line 452 of file utils.py.

452def ecma_unescape(string: str) -> str:
453 """Python implementation of the unescape javascript function
455 https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-unescape-string
456 https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Objets_globaux/unescape
458 Examples:
459 >>> ecma_unescape('%u5409')
460 '吉'
461 >>> ecma_unescape('%20')
462 ' '
463 >>> ecma_unescape('%F3')
464 'ó'
465 """
466 # "%u5409" becomes "吉"
467 string = _ECMA_UNESCAPE4_RE.sub(lambda e: chr(int(e.group(1), 16)), string)
468 # "%20" becomes " ", "%F3" becomes "ó"
469 string = _ECMA_UNESCAPE2_RE.sub(lambda e: chr(int(e.group(1), 16)), string)
470 return string

◆ eval_xpath()

searx.utils.eval_xpath ( ElementBase element,
XPathSpecType xpath_spec )
Equivalent of element.xpath(xpath_str) but compile xpath_str once for all.
See https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html#xpath-return-values

    * element (ElementBase): [description]
    * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath

    * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.

    * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
    * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
    * SearxEngineXPathException: Raise when the XPath can't be evaluated.

Definition at line 530 of file utils.py.

530def eval_xpath(element: ElementBase, xpath_spec: XPathSpecType):
531 """Equivalent of element.xpath(xpath_str) but compile xpath_str once for all.
532 See https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html#xpath-return-values
534 Args:
535 * element (ElementBase): [description]
536 * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
538 Returns:
539 * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
541 Raises:
542 * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
543 * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
544 * SearxEngineXPathException: Raise when the XPath can't be evaluated.
545 """
546 xpath = get_xpath(xpath_spec)
547 try:
548 return xpath(element)
549 except XPathError as e:
550 arg = ' '.join([str(i) for i in e.args])
551 raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, arg) from e

References searx.utils.get_xpath().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ eval_xpath_getindex()

searx.utils.eval_xpath_getindex ( ElementBase elements,
XPathSpecType xpath_spec,
int index,
default = _NOTSET )
Call eval_xpath_list then get one element using the index parameter.
If the index does not exist, either raise an exception is default is not set,
other return the default value (can be None).

    * elements (ElementBase): lxml element to apply the xpath.
    * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath.
    * index (int): index to get
    * default (Object, optional): Defaults if index doesn't exist.

    * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
    * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
    * SearxEngineXPathException: if the index is not found. Also see eval_xpath.

    * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.

Definition at line 578 of file utils.py.

578def eval_xpath_getindex(elements: ElementBase, xpath_spec: XPathSpecType, index: int, default=_NOTSET):
579 """Call eval_xpath_list then get one element using the index parameter.
580 If the index does not exist, either raise an exception is default is not set,
581 other return the default value (can be None).
583 Args:
584 * elements (ElementBase): lxml element to apply the xpath.
585 * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath.
586 * index (int): index to get
587 * default (Object, optional): Defaults if index doesn't exist.
589 Raises:
590 * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
591 * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
592 * SearxEngineXPathException: if the index is not found. Also see eval_xpath.
594 Returns:
595 * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
596 """
597 result = eval_xpath_list(elements, xpath_spec)
598 if -len(result) <= index < len(result):
599 return result[index]
600 if default == _NOTSET:
601 # raise an SearxEngineXPathException instead of IndexError
602 # to record xpath_spec
603 raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'index ' + str(index) + ' not found')
604 return default

◆ eval_xpath_list()

searx.utils.eval_xpath_list ( ElementBase element,
XPathSpecType xpath_spec,
Optional[int] min_len = None )
Same as eval_xpath, check if the result is a list

    * element (ElementBase): [description]
    * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
    * min_len (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.

    * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
    * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
    * SearxEngineXPathException: raise if the result is not a list

    * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.

Definition at line 554 of file utils.py.

554def eval_xpath_list(element: ElementBase, xpath_spec: XPathSpecType, min_len: Optional[int] = None):
555 """Same as eval_xpath, check if the result is a list
557 Args:
558 * element (ElementBase): [description]
559 * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
560 * min_len (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
562 Raises:
563 * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
564 * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
565 * SearxEngineXPathException: raise if the result is not a list
567 Returns:
568 * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
569 """
570 result = eval_xpath(element, xpath_spec)
571 if not isinstance(result, list):
572 raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'the result is not a list')
573 if min_len is not None and min_len > len(result):
574 raise SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, 'len(xpath_str) < ' + str(min_len))
575 return result

◆ extr()

searx.utils.extr ( str txt,
str begin,
str end,
str default = "" )
Extract the string between ``begin`` and ``end`` from ``txt``

:param txt:     String to search in
:param begin:   First string to be searched for
:param end:     Second string to be searched for after ``begin``
:param default: Default value if one of ``begin`` or ``end`` is not
                found.  Defaults to an empty string.
:return: The string between the two search-strings ``begin`` and ``end``.
         If at least one of ``begin`` or ``end`` is not found, the value of
         ``default`` is returned.

  >>> extr("abcde", "a", "e")
  >>> extr("abcde", "a", "z", deafult="nothing")

Definition at line 356 of file utils.py.

356def extr(txt: str, begin: str, end: str, default: str = ""):
357 """Extract the string between ``begin`` and ``end`` from ``txt``
359 :param txt: String to search in
360 :param begin: First string to be searched for
361 :param end: Second string to be searched for after ``begin``
362 :param default: Default value if one of ``begin`` or ``end`` is not
363 found. Defaults to an empty string.
364 :return: The string between the two search-strings ``begin`` and ``end``.
365 If at least one of ``begin`` or ``end`` is not found, the value of
366 ``default`` is returned.
368 Examples:
369 >>> extr("abcde", "a", "e")
370 "bcd"
371 >>> extr("abcde", "a", "z", deafult="nothing")
372 "nothing"
374 """
376 # From https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/gallery_dl/text.py#L129
378 try:
379 first = txt.index(begin) + len(begin)
380 return txt[first : txt.index(end, first)]
381 except ValueError:
382 return default

◆ extract_text()

Optional[str] searx.utils.extract_text ( xpath_results,
bool allow_none = False )
Extract text from a lxml result

* if xpath_results is list, extract the text from each result and concat the list
* if xpath_results is a xml element, extract all the text node from it
  ( text_content() method from lxml )
* if xpath_results is a string element, then it's already done

Definition at line 194 of file utils.py.

194def extract_text(xpath_results, allow_none: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
195 """Extract text from a lxml result
197 * if xpath_results is list, extract the text from each result and concat the list
198 * if xpath_results is a xml element, extract all the text node from it
199 ( text_content() method from lxml )
200 * if xpath_results is a string element, then it's already done
201 """
202 if isinstance(xpath_results, list):
203 # it's list of result : concat everything using recursive call
204 result = ''
205 for e in xpath_results:
206 result = result + (extract_text(e) or '')
207 return result.strip()
208 if isinstance(xpath_results, ElementBase):
209 # it's a element
210 text: str = html.tostring(xpath_results, encoding='unicode', method='text', with_tail=False)
211 text = text.strip().replace('\n', ' ')
212 return ' '.join(text.split())
213 if isinstance(xpath_results, (str, Number, bool)):
214 return str(xpath_results)
215 if xpath_results is None and allow_none:
216 return None
217 if xpath_results is None and not allow_none:
218 raise ValueError('extract_text(None, allow_none=False)')
219 raise ValueError('unsupported type')

◆ extract_url()

str searx.utils.extract_url ( xpath_results,
base_url )
Extract and normalize URL from lxml Element

    * xpath_results (Union[List[html.HtmlElement], html.HtmlElement]): lxml Element(s)
    * base_url (str): Base URL

    >>> def f(s, search_url):
    >>>    return searx.utils.extract_url(html.fromstring(s), search_url)
    >>> f('<span id="42">https://example.com</span>', 'http://example.com/')
    >>> f('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
    >>> f('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
    >>> f('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
    >>> f('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
    >>> f('', 'https://example.com')
    raise lxml.etree.ParserError
    >>> searx.utils.extract_url([], 'https://example.com')
    raise ValueError

    * ValueError
    * lxml.etree.ParserError

    * str: normalized URL

Definition at line 272 of file utils.py.

272def extract_url(xpath_results, base_url) -> str:
273 """Extract and normalize URL from lxml Element
275 Args:
276 * xpath_results (Union[List[html.HtmlElement], html.HtmlElement]): lxml Element(s)
277 * base_url (str): Base URL
279 Example:
280 >>> def f(s, search_url):
281 >>> return searx.utils.extract_url(html.fromstring(s), search_url)
282 >>> f('<span id="42">https://example.com</span>', 'http://example.com/')
283 'https://example.com/'
284 >>> f('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
285 'https://example.com/'
286 >>> f('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
287 'http://example.com/'
288 >>> f('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
289 'https://example.com/'
290 >>> f('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
291 'https://example.com/path?a=1'
292 >>> f('', 'https://example.com')
293 raise lxml.etree.ParserError
294 >>> searx.utils.extract_url([], 'https://example.com')
295 raise ValueError
297 Raises:
298 * ValueError
299 * lxml.etree.ParserError
301 Returns:
302 * str: normalized URL
303 """
304 if xpath_results == []:
305 raise ValueError('Empty url resultset')
307 url = extract_text(xpath_results)
308 if url:
309 return normalize_url(url, base_url)
310 raise ValueError('URL not found')

References searx.utils.normalize_url().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gen_useragent()

str searx.utils.gen_useragent ( Optional[str] os_string = None)
Return a random browser User Agent

See searx/data/useragents.json

Definition at line 72 of file utils.py.

72def gen_useragent(os_string: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
73 """Return a random browser User Agent
75 See searx/data/useragents.json
76 """
77 return USER_AGENTS['ua'].format(os=os_string or choice(USER_AGENTS['os']), version=choice(USER_AGENTS['versions']))

References searx.format.

◆ get_embeded_stream_url()

searx.utils.get_embeded_stream_url ( url)
Converts a standard video URL into its embed format. Supported services include Youtube,
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Dailymotion.

Definition at line 618 of file utils.py.

618def get_embeded_stream_url(url):
619 """
620 Converts a standard video URL into its embed format. Supported services include Youtube,
621 Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Dailymotion.
622 """
623 parsed_url = urlparse(url)
624 iframe_src = None
626 # YouTube
627 if parsed_url.netloc in ['www.youtube.com', 'youtube.com'] and parsed_url.path == '/watch' and parsed_url.query:
628 video_id = parse_qs(parsed_url.query).get('v', [])
629 if video_id:
630 iframe_src = 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/' + video_id[0]
632 # Facebook
633 elif parsed_url.netloc in ['www.facebook.com', 'facebook.com']:
634 encoded_href = urlencode({'href': url})
635 iframe_src = 'https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?allowfullscreen=true&' + encoded_href
637 # Instagram
638 elif parsed_url.netloc in ['www.instagram.com', 'instagram.com'] and parsed_url.path.startswith('/p/'):
639 if parsed_url.path.endswith('/'):
640 iframe_src = url + 'embed'
641 else:
642 iframe_src = url + '/embed'
644 # TikTok
645 elif (
646 parsed_url.netloc in ['www.tiktok.com', 'tiktok.com']
647 and parsed_url.path.startswith('/@')
648 and '/video/' in parsed_url.path
649 ):
650 path_parts = parsed_url.path.split('/video/')
651 video_id = path_parts[1]
652 iframe_src = 'https://www.tiktok.com/embed/' + video_id
654 # Dailymotion
655 elif parsed_url.netloc in ['www.dailymotion.com', 'dailymotion.com'] and parsed_url.path.startswith('/video/'):
656 path_parts = parsed_url.path.split('/')
657 if len(path_parts) == 3:
658 video_id = path_parts[2]
659 iframe_src = 'https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/' + video_id
661 return iframe_src

◆ get_engine_from_settings()

Dict searx.utils.get_engine_from_settings ( str name)
Return engine configuration from settings.yml of a given engine name

Definition at line 483 of file utils.py.

483def get_engine_from_settings(name: str) -> Dict:
484 """Return engine configuration from settings.yml of a given engine name"""
486 if 'engines' not in settings:
487 return {}
489 for engine in settings['engines']:
490 if 'name' not in engine:
491 continue
492 if name == engine['name']:
493 return engine
495 return {}

◆ get_string_replaces_function()

Callable[[str], str] searx.utils.get_string_replaces_function ( Dict[str, str] replaces)

Definition at line 473 of file utils.py.

473def get_string_replaces_function(replaces: Dict[str, str]) -> Callable[[str], str]:
474 rep = {re.escape(k): v for k, v in replaces.items()}
475 pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys()))
477 def func(text):
478 return pattern.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(m.group(0))], text)
480 return func

◆ get_xpath()

XPath searx.utils.get_xpath ( XPathSpecType xpath_spec)
Return cached compiled XPath

There is no thread lock.
Worst case scenario, xpath_str is compiled more than one time.

    * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath

    * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.

    * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
    * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath

Definition at line 498 of file utils.py.

498def get_xpath(xpath_spec: XPathSpecType) -> XPath:
499 """Return cached compiled XPath
501 There is no thread lock.
502 Worst case scenario, xpath_str is compiled more than one time.
504 Args:
505 * xpath_spec (str|lxml.etree.XPath): XPath as a str or lxml.etree.XPath
507 Returns:
508 * result (bool, float, list, str): Results.
510 Raises:
511 * TypeError: Raise when xpath_spec is neither a str nor a lxml.etree.XPath
512 * SearxXPathSyntaxException: Raise when there is a syntax error in the XPath
513 """
514 if isinstance(xpath_spec, str):
515 result = _XPATH_CACHE.get(xpath_spec, None)
516 if result is None:
517 try:
518 result = XPath(xpath_spec)
519 except XPathSyntaxError as e:
520 raise SearxXPathSyntaxException(xpath_spec, str(e.msg)) from e
521 _XPATH_CACHE[xpath_spec] = result
522 return result
524 if isinstance(xpath_spec, XPath):
525 return xpath_spec
527 raise TypeError('xpath_spec must be either a str or a lxml.etree.XPath')

Referenced by searx.utils.eval_xpath().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ html_to_text()

str searx.utils.html_to_text ( str html_str)
Extract text from a HTML string

    * html_str (str): string HTML

    * str: extracted text

    >>> html_to_text('Example <span id="42">#2</span>')
    'Example #2'

    >>> html_to_text('<style>.span { color: red; }</style><span>Example</span>')

    >>> html_to_text(r'regexp: (?<![a-zA-Z]')
    'regexp: (?<![a-zA-Z]'

Definition at line 139 of file utils.py.

139def html_to_text(html_str: str) -> str:
140 """Extract text from a HTML string
142 Args:
143 * html_str (str): string HTML
145 Returns:
146 * str: extracted text
148 Examples:
149 >>> html_to_text('Example <span id="42">#2</span>')
150 'Example #2'
152 >>> html_to_text('<style>.span { color: red; }</style><span>Example</span>')
153 'Example'
155 >>> html_to_text(r'regexp: (?<![a-zA-Z]')
156 'regexp: (?<![a-zA-Z]'
157 """
158 html_str = html_str.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
159 html_str = ' '.join(html_str.split())
160 s = _HTMLTextExtractor()
161 try:
162 s.feed(html_str)
163 except AssertionError:
164 s = _HTMLTextExtractor()
165 s.feed(escape(html_str, quote=True))
166 except _HTMLTextExtractorException:
167 logger.debug("HTMLTextExtractor: invalid HTML\n%s", html_str)
168 return s.get_text()

◆ humanize_bytes()

searx.utils.humanize_bytes ( size,
precision = 2 )
Determine the *human readable* value of bytes on 1024 base (1KB=1024B).

Definition at line 325 of file utils.py.

325def humanize_bytes(size, precision=2):
326 """Determine the *human readable* value of bytes on 1024 base (1KB=1024B)."""
327 s = ['B ', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']
329 x = len(s)
330 p = 0
331 while size > 1024 and p < x:
332 p += 1
333 size = size / 1024.0
334 return "%.*f %s" % (precision, size, s[p])

◆ humanize_number()

searx.utils.humanize_number ( size,
precision = 0 )
Determine the *human readable* value of a decimal number.

Definition at line 337 of file utils.py.

337def humanize_number(size, precision=0):
338 """Determine the *human readable* value of a decimal number."""
339 s = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T']
341 x = len(s)
342 p = 0
343 while size > 1000 and p < x:
344 p += 1
345 size = size / 1000.0
346 return "%.*f%s" % (precision, size, s[p])

◆ int_or_zero()

int searx.utils.int_or_zero ( Union[List[str], str] num)
Convert num to int or 0. num can be either a str or a list.
If num is a list, the first element is converted to int (or return 0 if the list is empty).
If num is a str, see convert_str_to_int

Definition at line 385 of file utils.py.

385def int_or_zero(num: Union[List[str], str]) -> int:
386 """Convert num to int or 0. num can be either a str or a list.
387 If num is a list, the first element is converted to int (or return 0 if the list is empty).
388 If num is a str, see convert_str_to_int
389 """
390 if isinstance(num, list):
391 if len(num) < 1:
392 return 0
393 num = num[0]
394 return convert_str_to_int(num)

References searx.utils.convert_str_to_int().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_valid_lang()

Optional[Tuple[bool, str, str]] searx.utils.is_valid_lang ( lang)
Return language code and name if lang describe a language.

    >>> is_valid_lang('zz')
    >>> is_valid_lang('uk')
    (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
    >>> is_valid_lang(b'uk')
    (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
    >>> is_valid_lang('en')
    (True, 'en', 'english')
    >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Español')
    (True, 'es', 'spanish')
    >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Spanish')
    (True, 'es', 'spanish')

Definition at line 397 of file utils.py.

397def is_valid_lang(lang) -> Optional[Tuple[bool, str, str]]:
398 """Return language code and name if lang describe a language.
400 Examples:
401 >>> is_valid_lang('zz')
402 None
403 >>> is_valid_lang('uk')
404 (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
405 >>> is_valid_lang(b'uk')
406 (True, 'uk', 'ukrainian')
407 >>> is_valid_lang('en')
408 (True, 'en', 'english')
409 >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Español')
410 (True, 'es', 'spanish')
411 >>> searx.utils.is_valid_lang('Spanish')
412 (True, 'es', 'spanish')
413 """
414 if isinstance(lang, bytes):
415 lang = lang.decode()
416 is_abbr = len(lang) == 2
417 lang = lang.lower()
418 if is_abbr:
419 for l in sxng_locales:
420 if l[0][:2] == lang:
421 return (True, l[0][:2], l[3].lower())
422 return None
423 for l in sxng_locales:
424 if l[1].lower() == lang or l[3].lower() == lang:
425 return (True, l[0][:2], l[3].lower())
426 return None

◆ js_variable_to_python()

searx.utils.js_variable_to_python ( js_variable)
Convert a javascript variable into JSON and then load the value

It does not deal with all cases, but it is good enough for now.
chompjs has a better implementation.

Definition at line 735 of file utils.py.

735def js_variable_to_python(js_variable):
736 """Convert a javascript variable into JSON and then load the value
738 It does not deal with all cases, but it is good enough for now.
739 chompjs has a better implementation.
740 """
741 # when in_string is not None, it contains the character that has opened the string
742 # either simple quote or double quote
743 in_string = None
744 # cut the string:
745 # r"""{ a:"f\"irst", c:'sec"ond'}"""
746 # becomes
747 # ['{ a:', '"', 'f\\', '"', 'irst', '"', ', c:', "'", 'sec', '"', 'ond', "'", '}']
748 parts = re.split(r'(["\'])', js_variable)
749 # previous part (to check the escape character antislash)
750 previous_p = ""
751 for i, p in enumerate(parts):
752 # parse characters inside a ECMA string
753 if in_string:
754 # we are in a JS string: replace the colon by a temporary character
755 # so quote_keys_regex doesn't have to deal with colon inside the JS strings
756 parts[i] = parts[i].replace(':', chr(1))
757 if in_string == "'":
758 # the JS string is delimited by simple quote.
759 # This is not supported by JSON.
760 # simple quote delimited string are converted to double quote delimited string
761 # here, inside a JS string, we escape the double quote
762 parts[i] = parts[i].replace('"', r'\"')
764 # deal with delimiters and escape character
765 if not in_string and p in ('"', "'"):
766 # we are not in string
767 # but p is double or simple quote
768 # that's the start of a new string
769 # replace simple quote by double quote
770 # (JSON doesn't support simple quote)
771 parts[i] = '"'
772 in_string = p
773 continue
774 if p == in_string:
775 # we are in a string and the current part MAY close the string
776 if len(previous_p) > 0 and previous_p[-1] == '\\':
777 # there is an antislash just before: the ECMA string continue
778 continue
779 # the current p close the string
780 # replace simple quote by double quote
781 parts[i] = '"'
782 in_string = None
784 if not in_string:
785 # replace void 0 by null
786 # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/void
787 # we are sure there is no string in p
788 parts[i] = _JS_VOID_RE.sub("null", p)
789 # update previous_p
790 previous_p = p
791 # join the string
792 s = ''.join(parts)
793 # add quote around the key
794 # { a: 12 }
795 # becomes
796 # { "a": 12 }
797 s = _JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE.sub(r'\1"\2"\3', s)
798 s = _JS_DECIMAL_RE.sub(":0.", s)
799 # replace the surogate character by colon
800 s = s.replace(chr(1), ':')
801 # load the JSON and return the result
802 return json.loads(s)

◆ load_module()

types.ModuleType searx.utils.load_module ( str filename,
str module_dir )

Definition at line 429 of file utils.py.

429def load_module(filename: str, module_dir: str) -> types.ModuleType:
430 modname = splitext(filename)[0]
431 modpath = join(module_dir, filename)
432 # and https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html#importing-a-source-file-directly
433 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, modpath)
434 if not spec:
435 raise ValueError(f"Error loading '{modpath}' module")
436 module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
437 if not spec.loader:
438 raise ValueError(f"Error loading '{modpath}' module")
439 spec.loader.exec_module(module)
440 return module

◆ markdown_to_text()

str searx.utils.markdown_to_text ( str markdown_str)
Extract text from a Markdown string

    * markdown_str (str): string Markdown

    * str: extracted text

    >>> markdown_to_text('[example](https://example.com)')

    >>> markdown_to_text('## Headline')

Definition at line 171 of file utils.py.

171def markdown_to_text(markdown_str: str) -> str:
172 """Extract text from a Markdown string
174 Args:
175 * markdown_str (str): string Markdown
177 Returns:
178 * str: extracted text
180 Examples:
181 >>> markdown_to_text('[example](https://example.com)')
182 'example'
184 >>> markdown_to_text('## Headline')
185 'Headline'
186 """
188 html_str = (
189 MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"typographer": True}).enable(["replacements", "smartquotes"]).render(markdown_str)
190 )
191 return html_to_text(html_str)

◆ normalize_url()

str searx.utils.normalize_url ( str url,
str base_url )
Normalize URL: add protocol, join URL with base_url, add trailing slash if there is no path

    * url (str): Relative URL
    * base_url (str): Base URL, it must be an absolute URL.

    >>> normalize_url('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
    >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
    >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
    >>> normalize_url('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
    >>> normalize_url('', 'https://example.com')
    >>> normalize_url('/test', '/path')
    raise ValueError

    * lxml.etree.ParserError

    * str: normalized URL

Definition at line 222 of file utils.py.

222def normalize_url(url: str, base_url: str) -> str:
223 """Normalize URL: add protocol, join URL with base_url, add trailing slash if there is no path
225 Args:
226 * url (str): Relative URL
227 * base_url (str): Base URL, it must be an absolute URL.
229 Example:
230 >>> normalize_url('https://example.com', 'http://example.com/')
231 'https://example.com/'
232 >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'http://example.com/')
233 'http://example.com/'
234 >>> normalize_url('//example.com', 'https://example.com/')
235 'https://example.com/'
236 >>> normalize_url('/path?a=1', 'https://example.com')
237 'https://example.com/path?a=1'
238 >>> normalize_url('', 'https://example.com')
239 'https://example.com/'
240 >>> normalize_url('/test', '/path')
241 raise ValueError
243 Raises:
244 * lxml.etree.ParserError
246 Returns:
247 * str: normalized URL
248 """
249 if url.startswith('//'):
250 # add http or https to this kind of url //example.com/
251 parsed_search_url = urlparse(base_url)
252 url = '{0}:{1}'.format(parsed_search_url.scheme or 'http', url)
253 elif url.startswith('/'):
254 # fix relative url to the search engine
255 url = urljoin(base_url, url)
257 # fix relative urls that fall through the crack
258 if '://' not in url:
259 url = urljoin(base_url, url)
261 parsed_url = urlparse(url)
263 # add a / at this end of the url if there is no path
264 if not parsed_url.netloc:
265 raise ValueError('Cannot parse url')
266 if not parsed_url.path:
267 url += '/'
269 return url

References searx.format.

Referenced by searx.utils.extract_url().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ searx_useragent()

str searx.utils.searx_useragent ( )
Return the searx User Agent

Definition at line 65 of file utils.py.

65def searx_useragent() -> str:
66 """Return the searx User Agent"""
67 return 'searx/{searx_version} {suffix}'.format(
68 searx_version=VERSION_TAG, suffix=settings['outgoing']['useragent_suffix']
69 ).strip()

References searx.format.

◆ to_string()

str searx.utils.to_string ( Any obj)
Convert obj to its string representation.

Definition at line 443 of file utils.py.

443def to_string(obj: Any) -> str:
444 """Convert obj to its string representation."""
445 if isinstance(obj, str):
446 return obj
447 if hasattr(obj, '__str__'):
448 return str(obj)
449 return repr(obj)

Variable Documentation


tuple searx.utils._BLOCKED_TAGS = ('script', 'style')

Definition at line 38 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._ECMA_UNESCAPE2_RE = re.compile(r'%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})', re.UNICODE)

Definition at line 41 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._ECMA_UNESCAPE4_RE = re.compile(r'%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})', re.UNICODE)

Definition at line 40 of file utils.py.


Optional searx.utils._FASTTEXT_MODEL = None

Definition at line 50 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._JS_DECIMAL_RE = re.compile(r":\s*\.")

Definition at line 45 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE = re.compile(r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)')

Definition at line 43 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._JS_VOID_RE = re.compile(r'void\s+[0-9]+|void\s*\‍([0-9]+\‍)')

Definition at line 44 of file utils.py.


dict searx.utils._LANG_TO_LC_CACHE = {}

Definition at line 48 of file utils.py.


searx.utils._NOTSET = _NotSetClass()

Definition at line 62 of file utils.py.


dict searx.utils._XPATH_CACHE = {}

Definition at line 47 of file utils.py.

◆ logger

searx.utils.logger = logger.getChild('utils')

Definition at line 34 of file utils.py.


searx.utils.SEARCH_LANGUAGE_CODES = frozenset([searxng_locale[0].split('-')[0] for searxng_locale in sxng_locales])

Definition at line 53 of file utils.py.

◆ XPathSpecType

searx.utils.XPathSpecType = Union[str, XPath]

Definition at line 36 of file utils.py.