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searx.settings_loader Namespace Reference


 load_yaml (str|Path file_name)
dict get_yaml_cfg (str|Path file_name)
Path|None get_user_cfg_folder ()
 update_dict (default_dict, user_dict)
 update_settings (dict default_settings, dict user_settings)
 is_use_default_settings (user_settings)
tuple[dict, str] load_settings (load_user_settings=True)


 searx_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
 SETTINGS_YAML = Path("settings.yml")

Detailed Description

Implementations for loading configurations from YAML files.  This essentially
includes the configuration of the (:ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng settings.yml>`)
server. The default configuration for the application server is loaded from the
:origin:`DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE <searx/settings.yml>`.  This default
configuration can be completely replaced or :ref:`customized individually
<use_default_settings.yml>` and the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment
variable can be used to set the location from which the local customizations are
to be loaded. The rules used for this can be found in the
:py:obj:`get_user_cfg_folder` function.

- By default, local configurations are expected in folder ``/etc/searxng`` from
  where applications can load them with the :py:obj:`get_yaml_cfg` function.

- By default, customized :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng settings.yml>` settings are
  expected in a file named ``settings.yml``.

Function Documentation

◆ get_user_cfg_folder()

Path | None searx.settings_loader.get_user_cfg_folder ( )
Returns folder where the local configurations are located.

1. If the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment is set and points to a
   folder (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/``), all local configurations are expected in
   this folder.  The settings of the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng
   settings.yml>` then expected in ``settings.yml``
   (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/settings.yml``).

2. If the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment is set and points to a file
   (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/myinstance.yml``), this file contains the settings of
   the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng settings.yml>` and the folder
   (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/``) is used for all other configurations.

   This type (``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` points to a file) is suitable for
   use cases in which different profiles of the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng
   settings.yml>` are to be managed, such as in test scenarios.

3. If folder ``/etc/searxng`` exists, it is used.

In case none of the above path exists, ``None`` is returned.  In case of
environment ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` is set, but the (folder or file) does
not exists, a :py:obj:`EnvironmentError` is raised.

Definition at line 64 of file settings_loader.py.

64def get_user_cfg_folder() -> Path | None:
65 """Returns folder where the local configurations are located.
67 1. If the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment is set and points to a
68 folder (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/``), all local configurations are expected in
69 this folder. The settings of the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng
70 settings.yml>` then expected in ``settings.yml``
71 (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/settings.yml``).
73 2. If the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment is set and points to a file
74 (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/myinstance.yml``), this file contains the settings of
75 the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng settings.yml>` and the folder
76 (e.g. ``/etc/mysxng/``) is used for all other configurations.
78 This type (``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` points to a file) is suitable for
79 use cases in which different profiles of the :ref:`SearXNG appl <searxng
80 settings.yml>` are to be managed, such as in test scenarios.
82 3. If folder ``/etc/searxng`` exists, it is used.
84 In case none of the above path exists, ``None`` is returned. In case of
85 environment ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` is set, but the (folder or file) does
86 not exists, a :py:obj:`EnvironmentError` is raised.
88 """
90 folder = None
91 settings_path = os.environ.get("SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH")
93 # Disable default /etc/searxng is intended exclusively for internal testing purposes
94 # and is therefore not documented!
95 disable_etc = os.environ.get('SEARXNG_DISABLE_ETC_SETTINGS', '').lower() in ('1', 'true')
97 if settings_path:
98 # rule 1. and 2.
99 settings_path = Path(settings_path)
100 if settings_path.is_dir():
101 folder = settings_path
102 elif settings_path.is_file():
103 folder = settings_path.parent
104 else:
105 raise EnvironmentError(1, f"{settings_path} not exists!", settings_path)
107 if not folder and not disable_etc:
108 # default: rule 3.
109 folder = Path("/etc/searxng")
110 if not folder.is_dir():
111 folder = None
113 return folder

Referenced by get_yaml_cfg(), and load_settings().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_yaml_cfg()

dict searx.settings_loader.get_yaml_cfg ( str | Path file_name)
Shortcut to load a YAML config from a file, located in the

- :py:obj:`get_user_cfg_folder` or
- in the ``searx`` folder of the SearXNG installation

Definition at line 49 of file settings_loader.py.

49def get_yaml_cfg(file_name: str | Path) -> dict:
50 """Shortcut to load a YAML config from a file, located in the
52 - :py:obj:`get_user_cfg_folder` or
53 - in the ``searx`` folder of the SearXNG installation
54 """
56 folder = get_user_cfg_folder() or Path(searx_dir)
57 fname = folder / file_name
58 if not fname.is_file():
59 raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {fname} does not exist!")
61 return load_yaml(fname)

References get_user_cfg_folder(), and load_yaml().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_use_default_settings()

searx.settings_loader.is_use_default_settings ( user_settings)

Definition at line 176 of file settings_loader.py.

176def is_use_default_settings(user_settings):
178 use_default_settings = user_settings.get('use_default_settings')
179 if use_default_settings is True:
180 return True
181 if isinstance(use_default_settings, dict):
182 return True
183 if use_default_settings is False or use_default_settings is None:
184 return False
185 raise ValueError('Invalid value for use_default_settings')

Referenced by load_settings().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_settings()

tuple[dict, str] searx.settings_loader.load_settings ( load_user_settings = True)
Function for loading the settings of the SearXNG application
(:ref:`settings.yml <searxng settings.yml>`).

Definition at line 188 of file settings_loader.py.

188def load_settings(load_user_settings=True) -> tuple[dict, str]:
189 """Function for loading the settings of the SearXNG application
190 (:ref:`settings.yml <searxng settings.yml>`)."""
192 msg = f"load the default settings from {DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE}"
193 cfg = load_yaml(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE)
194 cfg_folder = get_user_cfg_folder()
196 if not load_user_settings or not cfg_folder:
197 return cfg, msg
199 settings_yml = os.environ.get("SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH")
200 if settings_yml and Path(settings_yml).is_file():
201 # see get_user_cfg_folder() --> SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH points to a file
202 settings_yml = Path(settings_yml).name
203 else:
204 # see get_user_cfg_folder() --> SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH points to a folder
205 settings_yml = SETTINGS_YAML
207 cfg_file = cfg_folder / settings_yml
208 if not cfg_file.exists():
209 return cfg, msg
211 msg = f"load the user settings from {cfg_file}"
212 user_cfg = load_yaml(cfg_file)
214 if is_use_default_settings(user_cfg):
215 # the user settings are merged with the default configuration
216 msg = f"merge the default settings ( {DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE} ) and the user settings ( {cfg_file} )"
217 update_settings(cfg, user_cfg)
218 else:
219 cfg = user_cfg
221 return cfg, msg

References get_user_cfg_folder(), is_use_default_settings(), load_yaml(), and update_settings().

Referenced by searx.init_settings().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_yaml()

searx.settings_loader.load_yaml ( str | Path file_name)
Load YAML config from a file.

Definition at line 38 of file settings_loader.py.

38def load_yaml(file_name: str | Path):
39 """Load YAML config from a file."""
40 try:
41 with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as settings_yaml:
42 return yaml.safe_load(settings_yaml) or {}
43 except IOError as e:
44 raise SearxSettingsException(e, str(file_name)) from e
45 except yaml.YAMLError as e:
46 raise SearxSettingsException(e, str(file_name)) from e

Referenced by get_yaml_cfg(), and load_settings().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_dict()

searx.settings_loader.update_dict ( default_dict,
user_dict )

Definition at line 116 of file settings_loader.py.

116def update_dict(default_dict, user_dict):
117 for k, v in user_dict.items():
118 if isinstance(v, Mapping):
119 default_dict[k] = update_dict(default_dict.get(k, {}), v)
120 else:
121 default_dict[k] = v
122 return default_dict

References update_dict().

Referenced by update_dict(), and update_settings().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_settings()

searx.settings_loader.update_settings ( dict default_settings,
dict user_settings )

Definition at line 125 of file settings_loader.py.

125def update_settings(default_settings: dict, user_settings: dict):
126 # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
128 # merge everything except the engines
129 for k, v in user_settings.items():
130 if k not in ('use_default_settings', 'engines'):
131 if k in default_settings and isinstance(v, Mapping):
132 update_dict(default_settings[k], v)
133 else:
134 default_settings[k] = v
136 categories_as_tabs = user_settings.get('categories_as_tabs')
137 if categories_as_tabs:
138 default_settings['categories_as_tabs'] = categories_as_tabs
140 # parse the engines
141 remove_engines = None
142 keep_only_engines = None
143 use_default_settings = user_settings.get('use_default_settings')
144 if isinstance(use_default_settings, dict):
145 remove_engines = use_default_settings.get('engines', {}).get('remove')
146 keep_only_engines = use_default_settings.get('engines', {}).get('keep_only')
148 if 'engines' in user_settings or remove_engines is not None or keep_only_engines is not None:
149 engines = default_settings['engines']
151 # parse "use_default_settings.engines.remove"
152 if remove_engines is not None:
153 engines = list(filterfalse(lambda engine: (engine.get('name')) in remove_engines, engines))
155 # parse "use_default_settings.engines.keep_only"
156 if keep_only_engines is not None:
157 engines = list(filter(lambda engine: (engine.get('name')) in keep_only_engines, engines))
159 # parse "engines"
160 user_engines = user_settings.get('engines')
161 if user_engines:
162 engines_dict = dict((definition['name'], definition) for definition in engines)
163 for user_engine in user_engines:
164 default_engine = engines_dict.get(user_engine['name'])
165 if default_engine:
166 update_dict(default_engine, user_engine)
167 else:
168 engines.append(user_engine)
170 # store the result
171 default_settings['engines'] = engines
173 return default_settings

References update_dict().

Referenced by load_settings().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


searx.settings_loader.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE = Path(searx_dir) / SETTINGS_YAML

Definition at line 34 of file settings_loader.py.

◆ searx_dir

searx.settings_loader.searx_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

Definition at line 31 of file settings_loader.py.


searx.settings_loader.SETTINGS_YAML = Path("settings.yml")

Definition at line 33 of file settings_loader.py.