.oO SearXNG Developer Documentation Oo.
No Matches
searx.limiter Namespace Reference


config.Config get_cfg ()
werkzeug.Response|None filter_request (SXNG_Request request)
 pre_request ()
 is_installed ()
 initialize (flask.Flask app, settings)


 logger = logger.getChild('limiter')
config CFG = None
bool _INSTALLED = False
str LIMITER_CFG_SCHEMA = Path(__file__).parent / "limiter.toml"

Detailed Description

Bot protection / IP rate limitation.  The intention of rate limitation is to
limit suspicious requests from an IP.  The motivation behind this is the fact
that SearXNG passes through requests from bots and is thus classified as a bot
itself.  As a result, the SearXNG engine then receives a CAPTCHA or is blocked
by the search engine (the origin) in some other way.

To avoid blocking, the requests from bots to SearXNG must also be blocked, this
is the task of the limiter.  To perform this task, the limiter uses the methods
from the :ref:`botdetection`:

- Analysis of the HTTP header in the request / :ref:`botdetection probe headers`
  can be easily bypassed.

- Block and pass lists in which IPs are listed / :ref:`botdetection ip_lists`
  are hard to maintain, since the IPs of bots are not all known and change over
  the time.

- Detection & dynamically :ref:`botdetection rate limit` of bots based on the
  behavior of the requests.  For dynamically changeable IP lists a Redis
  database is needed.

The prerequisite for IP based methods is the correct determination of the IP of
the client. The IP of the client is determined via the X-Forwarded-For_ HTTP

.. attention::

   A correct setup of the HTTP request headers ``X-Forwarded-For`` and
   ``X-Real-IP`` is essential to be able to assign a request to an IP correctly:

   - `NGINX RequestHeader`_
   - `Apache RequestHeader`_

.. _X-Forwarded-For:
.. _NGINX RequestHeader:
.. _Apache RequestHeader:

Enable Limiter

To enable the limiter activate:

.. code:: yaml

     limiter: true  # rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots

and set the redis-url connection. Check the value, it depends on your redis DB
(see :ref:`settings redis`), by example:

.. code:: yaml

     url: unix:///usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock?db=0

Configure Limiter

The methods of :ref:`botdetection` the limiter uses are configured in a local
file ``/etc/searxng/limiter.toml``.  The defaults are shown in limiter.toml_ /
Don't copy all values to your local configuration, just enable what you need by
overwriting the defaults.  For instance to activate the ``link_token`` method in
the :ref:`botdetection.ip_limit` you only need to set this option to ``true``:

.. code:: toml

   link_token = true

.. _limiter.toml:


In this file the limiter finds the configuration of the :ref:`botdetection`:

- :ref:`botdetection ip_lists`
- :ref:`botdetection rate limit`
- :ref:`botdetection probe headers`

.. kernel-include:: $SOURCEDIR/limiter.toml
   :code: toml


Function Documentation

◆ filter_request()

werkzeug.Response | None searx.limiter.filter_request ( SXNG_Request request)

Definition at line 148 of file limiter.py.

148def filter_request(request: SXNG_Request) -> werkzeug.Response | None:
149 # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
151 cfg = get_cfg()
152 real_ip = ip_address(get_real_ip(request))
153 network = get_network(real_ip, cfg)
155 if request.path == '/healthz':
156 return None
158 # link-local
160 if network.is_link_local:
161 return None
163 # block- & pass- lists
164 #
165 # 1. The IP of the request is first checked against the pass-list; if the IP
166 # matches an entry in the list, the request is not blocked.
167 # 2. If no matching entry is found in the pass-list, then a check is made against
168 # the block list; if the IP matches an entry in the list, the request is
169 # blocked.
170 # 3. If the IP is not in either list, the request is not blocked.
172 match, msg = ip_lists.pass_ip(real_ip, cfg)
173 if match:
174 logger.warning("PASS %s: matched PASSLIST - %s", network.compressed, msg)
175 return None
177 match, msg = ip_lists.block_ip(real_ip, cfg)
178 if match:
179 logger.error("BLOCK %s: matched BLOCKLIST - %s", network.compressed, msg)
180 return flask.make_response(('IP is on BLOCKLIST - %s' % msg, 429))
182 # methods applied on /
184 for func in [
185 http_user_agent,
186 ]:
187 val = func.filter_request(network, request, cfg)
188 if val is not None:
189 return val
191 # methods applied on /search
193 if request.path == '/search':
195 for func in [
196 http_accept,
197 http_accept_encoding,
198 http_accept_language,
199 http_user_agent,
200 ip_limit,
201 ]:
202 val = func.filter_request(network, request, cfg)
203 if val is not None:
204 return val
205 logger.debug(f"OK {network}: %s", dump_request(sxng_request))
206 return None

References get_cfg().

Referenced by pre_request().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_cfg()

config.Config searx.limiter.get_cfg ( )

Definition at line 137 of file limiter.py.

137def get_cfg() -> config.Config:
138 global CFG # pylint: disable=global-statement
140 if CFG is None:
141 from . import settings_loader # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
143 cfg_file = (settings_loader.get_user_cfg_folder() or Path("/etc/searxng")) / "limiter.toml"
144 CFG = config.Config.from_toml(LIMITER_CFG_SCHEMA, cfg_file, CFG_DEPRECATED)
145 return CFG

Referenced by filter_request().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initialize()

searx.limiter.initialize ( flask.Flask app,
settings )
Install the limiter

Definition at line 219 of file limiter.py.

219def initialize(app: flask.Flask, settings):
220 """Install the limiter"""
221 global _INSTALLED # pylint: disable=global-statement
223 # even if the limiter is not activated, the botdetection must be activated
224 # (e.g. the self_info plugin uses the botdetection to get client IP)
226 cfg = get_cfg()
227 redis_client = redisdb.client()
228 botdetection.init(cfg, redis_client)
230 if not (settings['server']['limiter'] or settings['server']['public_instance']):
231 return
233 if not redis_client:
234 logger.error(
235 "The limiter requires Redis, please consult the documentation: "
236 "https://docs.searxng.org/admin/searx.limiter.html"
237 )
238 if settings['server']['public_instance']:
239 sys.exit(1)
240 return
242 _INSTALLED = True
244 if settings['server']['public_instance']:
245 # overwrite limiter.toml setting
246 cfg.set('botdetection.ip_limit.link_token', True)
248 app.before_request(pre_request)

◆ is_installed()

searx.limiter.is_installed ( )
Returns ``True`` if limiter is active and a redis DB is available.

Definition at line 214 of file limiter.py.

214def is_installed():
215 """Returns ``True`` if limiter is active and a redis DB is available."""
216 return _INSTALLED

◆ pre_request()

searx.limiter.pre_request ( )
See :py:obj:`flask.Flask.before_request`

Definition at line 209 of file limiter.py.

209def pre_request():
210 """See :py:obj:`flask.Flask.before_request`"""
211 return filter_request(sxng_request)

References filter_request().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


bool searx.limiter._INSTALLED = False

Definition at line 127 of file limiter.py.


config searx.limiter.CFG = None

Definition at line 126 of file limiter.py.


dict searx.limiter.CFG_DEPRECATED
Initial value:
1= {
2 # "dummy.old.foo": "config 'dummy.old.foo' exists only for tests. Don't use it in your real project config."

Definition at line 132 of file limiter.py.


str searx.limiter.LIMITER_CFG_SCHEMA = Path(__file__).parent / "limiter.toml"

Definition at line 129 of file limiter.py.

◆ logger

searx.limiter.logger = logger.getChild('limiter')

Definition at line 124 of file limiter.py.