.oO SearXNG Developer Documentation Oo.
No Matches
searx.engines.startpage Namespace Reference


 get_sc_code (searxng_locale, params)
 request (query, params)
 _request_cat_web (query, params)
 response (resp)
 _response_cat_web (dom)
 fetch_traits (EngineTraits engine_traits)


logging logger .Logger
EngineTraits traits
dict about
str startpage_categ = 'web'
bool send_accept_language_header = True
list categories = ['general', 'web']
bool paging = True
int max_page = 18
bool time_range_support = True
bool safesearch = True
dict time_range_dict = {'day': 'd', 'week': 'w', 'month': 'm', 'year': 'y'}
dict safesearch_dict = {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '1'}
str base_url = 'https://www.startpage.com'
str search_url = base_url + '/sp/search'
str search_form_xpath = '//form[@id="search"]'
int sc_code_ts = 0
str sc_code = ''
int sc_code_cache_sec = 30

Detailed Description

Startpage's language & region selectors are a mess ..

.. _startpage regions:

Startpage regions

In the list of regions there are tags we need to map to common region tags::

  pt-BR_BR --> pt_BR
  zh-CN_CN --> zh_Hans_CN
  zh-TW_TW --> zh_Hant_TW
  zh-TW_HK --> zh_Hant_HK
  en-GB_GB --> en_GB

and there is at least one tag with a three letter language tag (ISO 639-2)::

  fil_PH --> fil_PH

The locale code ``no_NO`` from Startpage does not exists and is mapped to

    babel.core.UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale 'no_NO'

For reference see languages-subtag at iana; ``no`` is the macrolanguage [1]_ and
W3C recommends subtag over macrolanguage [2]_.

.. [1] `iana: language-subtag-registry
   <https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry>`_ ::

      type: language
      Subtag: nb
      Description: Norwegian Bokmål
      Added: 2005-10-16
      Suppress-Script: Latn
      Macrolanguage: no

.. [2]
   Use macrolanguages with care.  Some language subtags have a Scope field set to
   macrolanguage, i.e. this primary language subtag encompasses a number of more
   specific primary language subtags in the registry.  ...  As we recommended for
   the collection subtags mentioned above, in most cases you should try to use
   the more specific subtags ... `W3: The primary language subtag

.. _startpage languages:

Startpage languages

  The displayed name in Startpage's settings page depend on the location of the
  IP when ``Accept-Language`` HTTP header is unset.  In :py:obj:`fetch_traits`
  we use::

    'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.5",

  to get uniform names independent from the IP).

.. _startpage categories:

Startpage categories

Startpage's category (for Web-search, News, Videos, ..) is set by
:py:obj:`startpage_categ` in  settings.yml::

  - name: startpage
    engine: startpage
    startpage_categ: web

.. hint::

   The default category is ``web`` .. and other categories than ``web`` are not
   yet implemented.

Function Documentation

◆ _request_cat_web()

searx.engines.startpage._request_cat_web ( query,
params )

Definition at line 259 of file startpage.py.

259def _request_cat_web(query, params):
261 engine_region = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], 'en-US')
262 engine_language = traits.get_language(params['searxng_locale'], 'en')
264 # build arguments
265 args = {
266 'query': query,
267 'cat': 'web',
268 't': 'device',
269 'sc': get_sc_code(params['searxng_locale'], params), # hint: this func needs HTTP headers,
270 'with_date': time_range_dict.get(params['time_range'], ''),
271 }
273 if engine_language:
274 args['language'] = engine_language
275 args['lui'] = engine_language
277 args['abp'] = '1'
278 if params['pageno'] > 1:
279 args['page'] = params['pageno']
281 # build cookie
282 lang_homepage = 'en'
283 cookie = OrderedDict()
284 cookie['date_time'] = 'world'
285 cookie['disable_family_filter'] = safesearch_dict[params['safesearch']]
286 cookie['disable_open_in_new_window'] = '0'
287 cookie['enable_post_method'] = '1' # hint: POST
288 cookie['enable_proxy_safety_suggest'] = '1'
289 cookie['enable_stay_control'] = '1'
290 cookie['instant_answers'] = '1'
291 cookie['lang_homepage'] = 's/device/%s/' % lang_homepage
292 cookie['num_of_results'] = '10'
293 cookie['suggestions'] = '1'
294 cookie['wt_unit'] = 'celsius'
296 if engine_language:
297 cookie['language'] = engine_language
298 cookie['language_ui'] = engine_language
300 if engine_region:
301 cookie['search_results_region'] = engine_region
303 params['cookies']['preferences'] = 'N1N'.join(["%sEEE%s" % x for x in cookie.items()])
304 logger.debug('cookie preferences: %s', params['cookies']['preferences'])
306 # POST request
307 logger.debug("data: %s", args)
308 params['data'] = args
309 params['method'] = 'POST'
310 params['url'] = search_url
311 params['headers']['Origin'] = base_url
312 params['headers']['Referer'] = base_url + '/'
313 # is the Accept header needed?
314 # params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'
316 return params
319# get response from search-request

References searx.engines.startpage.get_sc_code().

Referenced by searx.engines.startpage.request().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _response_cat_web()

searx.engines.startpage._response_cat_web ( dom)

Definition at line 330 of file startpage.py.

330def _response_cat_web(dom):
331 results = []
333 # parse results
334 for result in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@class="w-gl"]/div[contains(@class, "result")]'):
335 links = eval_xpath(result, './/a[contains(@class, "result-title result-link")]')
336 if not links:
337 continue
338 link = links[0]
339 url = link.attrib.get('href')
341 # block google-ad url's
342 if re.match(r"^http(s|)://(www\.)?google\.[a-z]+/aclk.*$", url):
343 continue
345 # block startpage search url's
346 if re.match(r"^http(s|)://(www\.)?startpage\.com/do/search\?.*$", url):
347 continue
349 title = extract_text(eval_xpath(link, 'h2'))
350 content = eval_xpath(result, './/p[contains(@class, "description")]')
351 content = extract_text(content, allow_none=True) or ''
353 published_date = None
355 # check if search result starts with something like: "2 Sep 2014 ... "
356 if re.match(r"^([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]) [A-Z][a-z]{2} [0-9]{4} \.\.\. ", content):
357 date_pos = content.find('...') + 4
358 date_string = content[0 : date_pos - 5]
359 # fix content string
360 content = content[date_pos:]
362 try:
363 published_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date_string, dayfirst=True)
364 except ValueError:
365 pass
367 # check if search result starts with something like: "5 days ago ... "
368 elif re.match(r"^[0-9]+ days? ago \.\.\. ", content):
369 date_pos = content.find('...') + 4
370 date_string = content[0 : date_pos - 5]
372 # calculate datetime
373 published_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(re.match(r'\d+', date_string).group())) # type: ignore
375 # fix content string
376 content = content[date_pos:]
378 if published_date:
379 # append result
380 results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content, 'publishedDate': published_date})
381 else:
382 # append result
383 results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content})
385 # return results
386 return results

Referenced by searx.engines.startpage.response().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetch_traits()

searx.engines.startpage.fetch_traits ( EngineTraits engine_traits)
Fetch :ref:`languages <startpage languages>` and :ref:`regions <startpage
regions>` from Startpage.

Definition at line 389 of file startpage.py.

389def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits):
390 """Fetch :ref:`languages <startpage languages>` and :ref:`regions <startpage
391 regions>` from Startpage."""
392 # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
394 headers = {
395 'User-Agent': gen_useragent(),
396 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.5", # bing needs to set the English language
397 }
398 resp = get('https://www.startpage.com/do/settings', headers=headers)
400 if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
401 print("ERROR: response from Startpage is not OK.")
403 dom = lxml.html.fromstring(resp.text) # type: ignore
405 # regions
407 sp_region_names = []
408 for option in dom.xpath('//form[@name="settings"]//select[@name="search_results_region"]/option'):
409 sp_region_names.append(option.get('value'))
411 for eng_tag in sp_region_names:
412 if eng_tag == 'all':
413 continue
414 babel_region_tag = {'no_NO': 'nb_NO'}.get(eng_tag, eng_tag) # norway
416 if '-' in babel_region_tag:
417 l, r = babel_region_tag.split('-')
418 r = r.split('_')[-1]
419 sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(l + '_' + r, sep='_'))
421 else:
422 try:
423 sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(babel_region_tag, sep='_'))
425 except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
426 print("ERROR: can't determine babel locale of startpage's locale %s" % eng_tag)
427 continue
429 conflict = engine_traits.regions.get(sxng_tag)
430 if conflict:
431 if conflict != eng_tag:
432 print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag))
433 continue
434 engine_traits.regions[sxng_tag] = eng_tag
436 # languages
438 catalog_engine2code = {name.lower(): lang_code for lang_code, name in babel.Locale('en').languages.items()}
440 # get the native name of every language known by babel
442 for lang_code in filter(
443 lambda lang_code: lang_code.find('_') == -1, babel.localedata.locale_identifiers() # type: ignore
444 ):
445 native_name = babel.Locale(lang_code).get_language_name().lower() # type: ignore
446 # add native name exactly as it is
447 catalog_engine2code[native_name] = lang_code
449 # add "normalized" language name (i.e. français becomes francais and español becomes espanol)
450 unaccented_name = ''.join(filter(lambda c: not combining(c), normalize('NFKD', native_name)))
451 if len(unaccented_name) == len(unaccented_name.encode()):
452 # add only if result is ascii (otherwise "normalization" didn't work)
453 catalog_engine2code[unaccented_name] = lang_code
455 # values that can't be determined by babel's languages names
457 catalog_engine2code.update(
458 {
459 # traditional chinese used in ..
460 'fantizhengwen': 'zh_Hant',
461 # Korean alphabet
462 'hangul': 'ko',
463 # Malayalam is one of 22 scheduled languages of India.
464 'malayam': 'ml',
465 'norsk': 'nb',
466 'sinhalese': 'si',
467 }
468 )
470 skip_eng_tags = {
471 'english_uk', # SearXNG lang 'en' already maps to 'english'
472 }
474 for option in dom.xpath('//form[@name="settings"]//select[@name="language"]/option'):
476 eng_tag = option.get('value')
477 if eng_tag in skip_eng_tags:
478 continue
479 name = extract_text(option).lower() # type: ignore
481 sxng_tag = catalog_engine2code.get(eng_tag)
482 if sxng_tag is None:
483 sxng_tag = catalog_engine2code[name]
485 conflict = engine_traits.languages.get(sxng_tag)
486 if conflict:
487 if conflict != eng_tag:
488 print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag))
489 continue
490 engine_traits.languages[sxng_tag] = eng_tag

◆ get_sc_code()

searx.engines.startpage.get_sc_code ( searxng_locale,
params )
Get an actual ``sc`` argument from Startpage's search form (HTML page).

Startpage puts a ``sc`` argument on every HTML :py:obj:`search form
<search_form_xpath>`.  Without this argument Startpage considers the request
is from a bot.  We do not know what is encoded in the value of the ``sc``
argument, but it seems to be a kind of a *time-stamp*.

Startpage's search form generates a new sc-code on each request.  This
function scrap a new sc-code from Startpage's home page every
:py:obj:`sc_code_cache_sec` seconds.

Definition at line 167 of file startpage.py.

167def get_sc_code(searxng_locale, params):
168 """Get an actual ``sc`` argument from Startpage's search form (HTML page).
170 Startpage puts a ``sc`` argument on every HTML :py:obj:`search form
171 <search_form_xpath>`. Without this argument Startpage considers the request
172 is from a bot. We do not know what is encoded in the value of the ``sc``
173 argument, but it seems to be a kind of a *time-stamp*.
175 Startpage's search form generates a new sc-code on each request. This
176 function scrap a new sc-code from Startpage's home page every
177 :py:obj:`sc_code_cache_sec` seconds.
179 """
181 global sc_code_ts, sc_code # pylint: disable=global-statement
183 if sc_code and (time() < (sc_code_ts + sc_code_cache_sec)):
184 logger.debug("get_sc_code: reuse '%s'", sc_code)
185 return sc_code
187 headers = {**params['headers']}
188 headers['Origin'] = base_url
189 headers['Referer'] = base_url + '/'
190 # headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
191 # headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate, br'
192 # headers['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'
193 # headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0'
195 # add Accept-Language header
196 if searxng_locale == 'all':
197 searxng_locale = 'en-US'
198 locale = babel.Locale.parse(searxng_locale, sep='-')
200 if send_accept_language_header:
201 ac_lang = locale.language
202 if locale.territory:
203 ac_lang = "%s-%s,%s;q=0.9,*;q=0.5" % (
204 locale.language,
205 locale.territory,
206 locale.language,
207 )
208 headers['Accept-Language'] = ac_lang
210 get_sc_url = base_url + '/?sc=%s' % (sc_code)
211 logger.debug("query new sc time-stamp ... %s", get_sc_url)
212 logger.debug("headers: %s", headers)
213 resp = get(get_sc_url, headers=headers)
215 # ?? x = network.get('https://www.startpage.com/sp/cdn/images/filter-chevron.svg', headers=headers)
216 # ?? https://www.startpage.com/sp/cdn/images/filter-chevron.svg
217 # ?? ping-back URL: https://www.startpage.com/sp/pb?sc=TLsB0oITjZ8F21
219 if str(resp.url).startswith('https://www.startpage.com/sp/captcha'): # type: ignore
220 raise SearxEngineCaptchaException(
221 message="get_sc_code: got redirected to https://www.startpage.com/sp/captcha",
222 )
224 dom = lxml.html.fromstring(resp.text) # type: ignore
226 try:
227 sc_code = eval_xpath(dom, search_form_xpath + '//input[@name="sc"]/@value')[0]
228 except IndexError as exc:
229 logger.debug("suspend startpage API --> https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/695")
230 raise SearxEngineCaptchaException(
231 message="get_sc_code: [PR-695] query new sc time-stamp failed! (%s)" % resp.url, # type: ignore
232 ) from exc
234 sc_code_ts = time()
235 logger.debug("get_sc_code: new value is: %s", sc_code)
236 return sc_code

Referenced by searx.engines.startpage._request_cat_web().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ request()

searx.engines.startpage.request ( query,
params )
Assemble a Startpage request.

To avoid CAPTCHA we need to send a well formed HTTP POST request with a
cookie.  We need to form a request that is identical to the request build by
Startpage's search form:

- in the cookie the **region** is selected
- in the HTTP POST data the **language** is selected

Additionally the arguments form Startpage's search form needs to be set in
HTML POST data / compare ``<input>`` elements: :py:obj:`search_form_xpath`.

Definition at line 239 of file startpage.py.

239def request(query, params):
240 """Assemble a Startpage request.
242 To avoid CAPTCHA we need to send a well formed HTTP POST request with a
243 cookie. We need to form a request that is identical to the request build by
244 Startpage's search form:
246 - in the cookie the **region** is selected
247 - in the HTTP POST data the **language** is selected
249 Additionally the arguments form Startpage's search form needs to be set in
250 HTML POST data / compare ``<input>`` elements: :py:obj:`search_form_xpath`.
251 """
252 if startpage_categ == 'web':
253 return _request_cat_web(query, params)
255 logger.error("Startpages's category '%' is not yet implemented.", startpage_categ)
256 return params

References searx.engines.startpage._request_cat_web().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ response()

searx.engines.startpage.response ( resp)

Definition at line 320 of file startpage.py.

320def response(resp):
321 dom = lxml.html.fromstring(resp.text)
323 if startpage_categ == 'web':
324 return _response_cat_web(dom)
326 logger.error("Startpages's category '%' is not yet implemented.", startpage_categ)
327 return []

References searx.engines.startpage._response_cat_web().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ about

dict searx.engines.startpage.about
Initial value:
1= {
2 "website": 'https://startpage.com',
3 "wikidata_id": 'Q2333295',
4 "official_api_documentation": None,
5 "use_official_api": False,
6 "require_api_key": False,
7 "results": 'HTML',

Definition at line 107 of file startpage.py.

◆ base_url

str searx.engines.startpage.base_url = 'https://www.startpage.com'

Definition at line 139 of file startpage.py.

◆ categories

list searx.engines.startpage.categories = ['general', 'web']

Definition at line 127 of file startpage.py.

◆ logger

logging searx.engines.startpage.logger .Logger

Definition at line 102 of file startpage.py.

◆ max_page

int searx.engines.startpage.max_page = 18

Definition at line 129 of file startpage.py.

◆ paging

bool searx.engines.startpage.paging = True

Definition at line 128 of file startpage.py.

◆ safesearch

bool searx.engines.startpage.safesearch = True

Definition at line 133 of file startpage.py.

◆ safesearch_dict

dict searx.engines.startpage.safesearch_dict = {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '1'}

Definition at line 136 of file startpage.py.

◆ sc_code

str searx.engines.startpage.sc_code = ''

Definition at line 162 of file startpage.py.

◆ sc_code_cache_sec

int searx.engines.startpage.sc_code_cache_sec = 30

Definition at line 163 of file startpage.py.

◆ sc_code_ts

int searx.engines.startpage.sc_code_ts = 0

Definition at line 161 of file startpage.py.

◆ search_form_xpath

str searx.engines.startpage.search_form_xpath = '//form[@id="search"]'

Definition at line 145 of file startpage.py.

◆ search_url

str searx.engines.startpage.search_url = base_url + '/sp/search'

Definition at line 140 of file startpage.py.

◆ send_accept_language_header

bool searx.engines.startpage.send_accept_language_header = True

Definition at line 120 of file startpage.py.

◆ startpage_categ

str searx.engines.startpage.startpage_categ = 'web'

Definition at line 116 of file startpage.py.

◆ time_range_dict

dict searx.engines.startpage.time_range_dict = {'day': 'd', 'week': 'w', 'month': 'm', 'year': 'y'}

Definition at line 135 of file startpage.py.

◆ time_range_support

bool searx.engines.startpage.time_range_support = True

Definition at line 132 of file startpage.py.

◆ traits

EngineTraits searx.engines.startpage.traits

Definition at line 104 of file startpage.py.